visite atelier enfant
Every other saturday at 3 p.m.

The Hive
The exhibition workshop

The exhibition workshop (1h30)

Designed by Tarek Atoui, artist of the Pinault Collection

For 6–12 year-olds (unaccompanied). Every other Saturday at 3 p.m. 

"The Hive" – On Vibration and Resonance 

The Ghost and Spirit exhibition presents the unclassifiable work of Mike Kelley (1954 - 2012), a performer, musician, draughtsman, sculptor, painter and director. A member of the American group Destroy All Monsters, his music is experimental and... striking!

In connection with the exhibition, the workshop designed by artist Tarek Atoui invites children to play instruments in a creative way. Led by museum educators, it introduces them to the notion of vibration and how every sound is vibration traveling through air and different materials with astonishing sound qualities. Through combining percussion instruments and organic elements with daily life, motorised and vibrating objects, the children build a collective sonic landscape that interacts with its space and surroundings. 

Booking required. Price: €12 (free with the Membership Pinault Collection card) 

This activity takes place in French for unaccompanied children, parents can visit the museum by booking an exhibition ticket. The Bourse de Commerce reserves the right not to accept a child if their age is incompatible with the workshop, so please check the age range that is indicated.