PAN 15
April 24

PAN 15 : Patrick Belaga & Tapiwa Svosve : The Sport of Love
+ Billy Bultheel and Ensemble : Mount Analogue

Concert in the Rotunda of the museum, standing, free wandering 


  • 9 pm: Patrick Belaga & Tapiwa Svosve: The Sport of Love
  • 10pm: Billy Bultheel and Ensemble: Mount Analogue

The Bourse de Commerce is joining forces with the Berlin experimental electronic music label PAN on the occasion of its 15th anniversary.

In 2008, artist and musician Bill Kouligas founded the PAN music label, whose artistic line is formed at the intersection of music and contemporary creation. For the past 15 years, PAN has been guiding current sound production and promoting artistic practices irrigated by sound, forging a definition of experimentation that is constantly changing. On 24 April, 11 & 12 May, several of the label's iconic artists will perform at the Bourse de Commerce.