Maria Nadotti
Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 June 2023

Masterclass with Maria Nadotti

Trasporti e traslochi 

Maria Nadotti, journalist, essayist, editorial consultant and translator, leads a masterclass on the theories and practices of "moving" a text, between theatre, cinema, culture and society. The meetings will investigate the life of some works of literature through their translations and reissues, following them in their paths of transgression.

Find our more here about the Masterclass and how to participate (in Italian). 

On Monday 19 June, Maria Nadotti also holds a talk at the Teatrino with the author Caterina Serra. 

Maria Nadotti
Maria Nadotti is a journalist, essayist, editorial consultant and translator, she writes about theatre, cinema, art, culture and society. She is the author of Silenzio = Morte: Gli USA nel tempo dell’AIDS (Anabasi, 1994); Cassandra non abita più qui (la Tartaruga, 1996); Sesso & Genere (il Saggiatore, 1996 and Mimesis 2022); Scrivere al buio (la Tartaruga, 1998 and Tamu, 2020); Prove d’ascolto (edizioni dell’asino, 2011); Trasporti e traslochi. Raccontare John Berger (Doppiozero, 2014); Necrologhi. Pamphlet sull’arte di consumare (il Saggiatore, 2015); e co-author of Nata due volte (il Saggiatore, 1995).