Teens all'opera
Close © Nicola Zonta

Teens all'opera

Teens all'opera is a day dedicated to the presentation of the educational programmes for teenagers developped during the autumn 2021 and which involved 10 classes and about 200 high school students. The activities involved projects dedicated to architecture and to the two exhibitions open then, HYPERVENEZIA and Bruce Nauman: Contrapposto Studies.

Throughout the day of April 13, 2022, in the Foyer of the Teatrino of Palazzo Grassi, the final products of the important paths of architecture, of the photography laboratory and of the path Teens Curators are exhibited.

Liceo Scientifico “Leonardo da Vinci”, Treviso
IIS “Marco Polo” - Liceo Artistico, Venezia
Liceo Artistico “Michelangelo Guggenheim”, Venezia
Liceo “Angela Veronese”, Montebelluna

Teens Curators:
Alice Stivanello; Carlo Manfredonia; Carlotta Tiffi; Giulia Nasato; Elena Fabris; Esha Mohammad; Jacopo Martinati; Mattia Bassani; Paolo Majer; Sofia Tonet.