Talk with Vittorio Sermonti
Palazzo Grassi

Talk with Vittorio Sermonti

Palazzo Grassi proposes a talk with Vittorio Sermonti (Rome, 1929) a writer, theatre translator, radio and television host, teacher of Italian and Latin at the high school and the National Academy of Dramatic Art. He has published, among others, three novels; a short story; an essay-epic on the Football World Cup, three Dantesque volumes in the form of a critical narrative (L'inferno di Dante, Rizzoli 1988; Il Purgatorio di Dante, 1990; Il Paradiso di Dante, 1993). In 2007, he published, again for Rizzoli, L'Eneide di Virgilio.

Between 1995 and 2006, he read, with his essays, all the Commedia in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Ravenna, in the Pantheon of Rome, in Florence (Santa Croce) and in Milan (Santa Maria delle Grazie), in Bologna (Santo Stefano). Between 2006 (Milan, Santa Maria delle Grazie) and 2007, in Milan and Rome (Musei Capitolini), he read the 12th books of the Aeneid translated and introduced by him.