New Echo System - Ester Poly
Close Ester Poly by IsabelleMeister

New Echo System - Ester Poly

Pro Helvetia and Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana present a new concert as part of the project New Echo System, which brings to Venice the unpredictable music of Ester Poly. The duo, formed by the Swiss musicians Martina Berther (electric bass, voice) and Béatrice Gaf (drums, voice), experiment with the countless possibilities offered by the bass-drums duo. Between psychedelic rock, punk and new wave, Ester Poly's music deals with mostly political content.

New Echo System, promoted by Pro Helvetia, aims to develop ideas and put in contact Swiss and Italian artists, to establish a dialogue between disciplines, with a particular attention for sustainability.

Organised by New Echo System in collaboration with Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana.