Luc Tuymans: presentation of the catalogue raisonné
Palazzo Grassi

Luc Tuymans: presentation of the catalogue raisonné

On the occasion of the publication of the third volume of Luc Tuymans’s catalogue raisonné of paintings, the artist discusses with the editor of the publication Eva Meyer-Hermann art historian, critic, and curator Philippe Pirotte. Focusing on Tuymans’s most recent works, made between 2007 and 2018, the speakers will cover a range of topics from painting to politics, and from memory to modernity. They will also discuss the impressive project of making a catalogue raisonné, the importance of these printed records, and the lasting legacy of these publications.

Luc Tuymans, Catalogue Raisonné of Paintings: Volume 3, 2007-2018.
Published by David Zwirner Books and Yale University Press, 2019.

In collaboration with David Zwirner Gallery.