Cinema Trans-Queer
Close Still from “Kiki” 2016, Svezia-USA, by Sara Jordenö
02/10 - 05/10/2018 - 18:00
Palazzo Grassi

Cinema Trans-Queer

Trans-Queer Cinema

On the occasion of the collective exhibition Dancing with Myself, currently on view at Punta della Dogana, the museum organises a cycle of talks, screenings and performances dedicated to the question of identity. Four days of screenings of documentaries dedicated to gender, sexual identity and the new representations of the body take place at the Teatrino.


Documentaries dedicated to the trans question.

- Screaming Queens: the riot at Compton's Cafeteria, 2005, USA, by Susan Stryker and Victor Silverman, 57'
- The life and death of Marsha P. Johnson, 2017, USA, by David France, 105'
- Una nobile rivoluzione, 2014, Italy, by Simone Cangelosi, 85'
La persona De Leo N., 2005, Italy, by Alberto Vendemmiati, 85'
Curated by MIT – Movimento Identità Trans in Bologna in collaboration with Divergenti – Festival Internazionale di Cinema Trans.

Documentaries dedicated to LGBTQ.

- Shakedown, 2018, USA, by Leilah Weinraub, 72'
- Kiki, 2016, Svezia-USA, by Sara Jordenö, 96'
The Legend of Leigh Bowery, 2002, USA, France-UK-Denmark, by Charles Atlas, 83'
Curated by Centro di Documentazione “Flavia Madaschi” Cassero LGBT Center in Bologna in collaboration with Gender Bender Festival.
